Found on the endpapers of Secret Places of the Lion by George Hunt Williamson (Neville Spearman, London 1963)- a handwritten note by the publisher Neville Armstrong (1914- 2008). He was one of the last of the gentlemen publishers, producing books mirroring his own whims and tastes - such subjects as flying saucers, the occult, wrestling, reincarnation, spiritualism, spies, sex, cooking, chess and Spain. In 1955 he began his own imprint, 'Neville Spearman Publishers'. George Hunt Williamson has a good Wikipedia entry. He is described there as a flying saucer contactee, channel, and metaphysical author who came to prominence in the 1950s. His dates were 1926-1986 and he was also known as Michael d'Obrenovic and Brother Philip. 'Contactees' are people who claim to have experienced contact with extraterrestrials.
Nevile Armstrong/ Spearman writes:-
George Hunt Williamson('Ric') was one of the original witnesses to the desert sighting of a UFO by George Adamski 'Flying Saucers Have Landed.' A world bestseller and years ahead of the phoney Erich von Daniken.
Ric was a personal friend. Many strange things happened when in his company. I recall a wine bottle in my cottage in Upper Hartfield which refused to empty! After an evening's talk which included my wife, the bottle was still half full. This was a minor happening.
He also wrote a very strange book, Saint of the Andes. It was a monastery inhabited by strange people – monks, I think – to which many people& expeditions set out to find. All were unsuccessful.
He was one of my most extraordinary authors but entirely sincere.
Neville Armstrong 28th March 2004
That old bottomless bottle of wine trick! Wish I knew how