The book relates the history of the early years of the reign of James the First,the history of the divorce of the Earl and Countess of Essex, the divisions between the Scottish and the English, 'the lascivious courses at court' the arraignment of Sir Jervase Yelvis and an account of the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury. It also "reckons the revenue of the crown, gifts, pensions, disbursements ; and contains the commissions and warrants for the burning of two heretics." The 1870 catalogue of the Prints and drawings at the British Museum describes the title - page thus:
Below these are two other compartments : one side represents Memory as an old man, seated in a study with a scroll ; at his feet a female figure reclines and holds a cross. On the other side is History, seated in a study, with books on the shelves of a library, and writing in a book ; at his feet lies Sloth, a sleeping man. Between the latter two designs is a tree which is rooted in a coffin, on which stands a candlestick with a lighted candle in it, and a flower-pot on which is a satyric mask containing a blooming flower ; hanging from the branches of the tree are books and scrolls.
Opposite this illustrated title page is a 30 line verse (possibly by Michael Sparkes whom WorldCat seem to favour as the author) entitled 'The Emblematical Title Explained' which explains every aspect. It begins with an alliterative opening :
Triumphant Truth trampling on Errour base,
With one Hand hidden Secrets doth uncase ;
With t'other draws the Curtain, shews in King JAMES,
That Death, Kings, Crowns, Sceptres and all things tames Expressed by this dead Kings posture, right.
Who Dead, all Regal Ornaments doth slight.
One father side All-Conquering Time doth stand,
A Watchfull Sentinel, and with his Hand
Draws back the other Curtain, to descrie,
That Princes must as well as Pesants die ;
And helps t'uncover Secrets covered long,
And under's feet tramples on Death most strong.
Then, next, behold experienced Memorie,
The true Recorder of all Historie.
Spurning down black Oblivion with his looks,
Whiles He turns o're his Parchments and his Books ;
And by his expert knowledge, calls to minde
The truths of Stories which thou here shalt finde.
On th'other side sits Historie most grave,
Writes down what Memorie unto him gave.
To countenance both Time and Truth most sweet,
And treads down lazy Sloth under his feet ;
Relating here, the Ranting daies of old,
Of whose base pranks, many foul Tales are told.
At last, i'th' midst, thou may'st a Coffin spie,
Wherein a murthered-Corps enclosed doth lie ;
On which, a Light, and Urn, thou plac'd may'st see,
And in the midst to grow a spreading Tree,
Full fraught with various Fruits, most fresh and fair,
To make succeeding Times most rich and rare.
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