1 quarter-pound package (16) Campfire Marshmallows
1 tablespoon milk
2 egg whites
¼ cup sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
Place marshmallows and milk in saucepan. Heat slowly, folding over and over until marshmallows are half melted. Remove from heat and continue folding until mixture is smooth and fluffy. Allow to cool. Meanwhile, beat egg whites until they hold a peak. Slowly add sugar, beating constantly. Add salt and vanilla extract. Blend lightly with marshmallow mixture and spread on pie in swirls. Brown in broiler or hot oven (450 degrees F.) for ½ minute or until tips of meringue swirls are golden brown. Sufficient to top 1 filled pie.
Lemon, Orange or Lime Meringue: Follow above recipe, substituting 1 tablespoon desired fruit juice for vanilla extract.
1 ½ quarter-pound packaqes (24) Campfire Marshmallows
2 cups cola beveraqe
⅛ teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Place marshmallows and 2 tablespoons cola beveraqe in saucepan. Heat slowly, foIdinq over and over until marshmallows are half melted. Remove from heat and continue foldinq until mixture is smooth and fluffy. Cool sliqhtly, then blend in remaininq cola beveraqe and lemon juice. Pour into tray of automatic refriqerator and freeze, stirrinq two or three times durinq the freezinq period. Serve firm as an ice or somewhat melted as a dessert which is both sipped and spooned. Garnish with curled lemon rind and fresh mint sprays. Serves 5.
1 ½ quarter-pound packaqes (24) Campfire Marshmallows
¾ cup hot water
½ cup fresh mint leaves, cut fine
½ cup cold water
¼ cup lemon juice
3 drops qreen food colorinq
2 eqq whites
1 tablespoon suqar
Place marshmallows, hot water and mint in saucepan. Heat slowly, foldinq over and over until marshmallows are half melted. Remove from heat and continue foldinq until mixture is smooth and fluffy. Allow to cool, then blend in cold water, lemon iuice and food colorinq. Chill. Beat eqq whites until they hold a peal. Slowly add suqar, beatinq constantly. Blend liqhtly with marshmallow mixture. Pour into tray of automatic refriqerator and freeze, stirrinq twice durinq the freezinq period. Serve as a dessert ice or as a meat accompaniment. Serves 6.
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