Maurice Baring with his pet budgerigar 'Dempsey' |
Some of the words are a little site-specific but could still have their uses (e.g. 'a Shelley Plain' for the sighting of a famous person*) others like 'loser' seem quite current, although M.B.'s 'loser' is more of a cad than a failure. Here is a glossary based on Letley/ Marsh:
Antrim Boat: 'To be in the Antrim Boat' meant to take a lot of trouble for nothing. Derived from a family incident.††
Arch Baker: a boring discourse.
Aunt Sister: the shirking of a social duty.
Bird: happy.
Block: to put someone or something on the block: to bring up a subject: to discuss.
Brain-Stoppage: 'explains itself.' (Marsh)
A Connaught-Clock: an unjustified inference.**
Culte: (French pronunciation):someone very nice and loveable; to have a culte = to have a crush on someone.
Curlingtoes: an attack of extreme shyness.
Dentist: a heart-to-heart talk.